
Always great to start Fri-YAY with these SWEAThearts!

sweat heart

It doesn’t matter what kind of week we’ve all had or what we might be struggling along with on our own, the alarm gets set every Friday and we join together for our weekly girl-gang SWEAT.

Working out with this bunch is the perfect remedy in so many ways, here’s a few reasons why I’m so grateful to the SWEAThearts each week:

  1. Fri-YAY mornings are fun and there’s always something to giggle about
  2. Just when fatigue from the week starts to set in, SWEAT comes around to boost energy and mood
  3. It’s motivating to see girls of all ages, shapes and sizes taking ownership of their physical health, building strength and endurance
  4. Progress is made every session and it’s inspiring to watch as the group push to get the most out of each workout
  5. The SWEAT community is safe and inclusive – absolutely anyone is welcome at anytime
  6. New faces do arrive every Fri-YAY, proving that it really is never too late to get started with anything in life

Sharing extra time with these girls outside of the classroom is the best reminder of the most important requirements for developing capabilities and confidence in others…the recipe includes: fun, friendship, an opportunity to contribute and a place to belong.

See below for last week’s snaps and congratulations to Sophia for attending over 45 morning fitness sessions already this year – an amazing achievement.

It’s only 3 hours since our SWEAT and I’m already excited for the next one!

Have an amazing day!

Asha 🙂

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